
9 December, 2014

On December 9th, the Youth Conference called  “Where Do I Belong? Identity in a Multicultural World” will take place in the Riigikogu

18:00 – 19:00 Meeting of the panelists  (for panelists only)

19:00 – 21:00 Reception (for panelists only)

10 December, 2014

Interpretation During the conference, simultaneous interpreting will be available in English, Russian and Estonian

09:00 – 10:00 Registration of participants Introduction to the conference:  Mart NuttPhD, Institute of Human Rights, main organiser of the annual conference  VIDEO

Opening remarksToomas Hendrik Ilves, President of the Republic of Estonia VIDEO

10:15 – 11:35 I panel

The right to privacy as a human right – presentation of the study and discussion  VIDEO

During the first half of the panel discussion, an introduction will be made of the study conducted in cooperation with the University of Tartu regarding the right to privacy in the context of everyday technologies (social networks, smart phones, cloud-based data processing, video surveillance systems, etc.). At the centre of the study are the results of a national survey of the Estonian population (959 respondents) The objective of the survey was to ascertain the attitudes of the respondents regarding privacy and the practices for protecting it as it relates to the use of various technologies. The study provides a survey of the conceptual disputes related to the right to privacy, as well as the legal aspects and challenges of data protection. In the second half, an analysis will be made of whether the nature of privacy has been changed by the new everyday technologies and social networks, and if so, how. Are the changes only technical? Should we implement the same rights in the new environments, or to what extent has the protection of personal data changed from an ethical, legal and social viewpoint? DOWNLOAD THE POWERPOINT PRESENTATION FILE OF THE SUMMARY


Introduction of the survey: Maria Murumaa-Mengel, researcher and PhD student at the the University of Tartu Institute of Social Sciences, Chair of Media and Communication of the University of Tartu
Katrin Laas-Mikko, Estonian Institute of Human Rights and PhD student at the University of Tartu, Institute of Philosophy and Semiotics: VIDEO
Panelists: Prof. Simon Davies, Associate Director LSE Enterprise The London School of Economics, Founder of Privacy International: VIDEO
Prof Pille Pruulmann-Vengerfeldt, Professor of Media Studies and Head of The Chair of Media and Communication at the University of Tartu:  VIDEO
Laura Reed, Research Analyst for the annual Freedom on the Net publication at Freedom House PRESENTATIONVIDEO
Moderator: Prof Katrin Merike Nyman MetcalfProfessor and Head of the Chair of Law and Technology at Tallinn Law School, Tallinn University of Technology and Head of Research at the e-Governance Academy. PANELVIDEO

11:35 – 11:50 Coffee Break

11:50 – 13:15 II panel

The transformation of international law as a consequence of hybrid wars and disguised aggression   VIDEO

This portion of the programme will seek answers to the following questions. How is the concept of human dignity understood in the context of international human rights? Can international law guarantee the protection of human rights in the world, by utilising international criminal law and its institutions? And if so how? How is the Ukrainian crisis related to the current state of democracy and the development of democratic institutions?  What is the NATO view of the situation in the international regulatory system related to the Ukrainian events? Has international law come under attack in connection with the Ukrainian crisis? What part do human rights play in general international law?

Panelists: Prof Christopher McCrudden, Professor of Human Rights and Equality Law, Queen’s University Belfast PRESENTATION: VIDEO
Marriët Schuurman, NATO Secretary General’s Special Representative for Women, Peace and Security (1325): VIDEO
Mary O’Hagan, Resident Senior Director, National Democratic Institute’i (NDI) Resident Senior Director in Ukraine PRESENTATION: VIDEO
Andres Parmas, Tallinn Circuit Court, Judge in the Criminal Chamber: VIDEO
Moderator: Prof Lauri Mälksoo, Professor of International Law at the University of Tartu and the Chairman of The Estonian Foreign Policy Institute.

13:15 – 14:00
 Lunch Introduction to the conference: Mart Nutt, PhD, Institute of Human Rights, main organiser of the annual conference


Opening remarks for the second half of the call day: 
Foreign Minister Mrs Keit Pentus-Rosimannus, Estonian Minister of Foreign Affairs  VIDEO

14:15 – 15:50 III panel

Indigenous people and their problems in different countries  VIDEO

This group of topics deals with the situation related to human rights and the developmental trends in the world, with special focus on the regions important to Estonia and Europe. The panel discussion is a conceptual continuation of the World Conference on Indigenous Peoples held on 22-23 September 2014 in New York. How to assess the results of the conference and in what way will these results affect the rights of indigenous peoples in the coming decades? We will deal with the topical issues of the indigenous peoples’ movement, focusing on the rights of indigenous peoples to their lands, territories and natural resources. As timely examples of the situation related to the rights of indigenous peoples in Europe, we will analyse the endeavours of our kindred peoples, the Izhorians, to resist the industrialisation of their traditional habitats and the tense situation of the Crimean Tartars under the conditions of the Russian occupation.

Panelists: Dalee Sambo Dorough, PhD, Chairperson of the United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues Chairman(UNPFII), University of Alaska Anchorage: VIDEO
Pavel Sulyandziga, PhD, United Nations Working Group on the issue of human rights and transnational corporations and other business enterprises: VIDEO
Mustafa Džemilev, the Commissioner of the President of Ukraine for the Crimean People, member of the Verkhovna Rada, leader of the Crimean Tatar National Movement: VIDEO
Valentina Sovkina, chairman of the Sami Parliament of the Kola Peninsula: VIDEO
Dmitrii Harakka-Zaitcev, Leader of the Izhorian minority community “Shojkula” PRESENTATIONVIDEO
Moderator: Oliver Loode, UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues (UNPFII)

15:50 – 16:10 Coffee Break

16:10 – 17:45 IV panel

Russia’s challenges: the closure of independent media and organisations   VIDEO


The Russian journalists will speak about recent events and the current situation in Russian mass media and their relations with the state. The topics of discussion will include the pressure exerted by the authorities, the closing or forcible takeover of independent liberal publications, as well as the situation in online media and “old” journalism and its future. The immediate future of Russia as a whole, or possible development scenarios, under the conditions of the current foreign policy and economic crisis will also be discussed.

Panelists: Galina Timtšenko, Russian journalist and the executive editor of VIDEO
Maria Makeeva, news anchor and deputy editor-in-chief at Russian TV “Rain” (“Дождь”): VIDEO
Dmitri MuratovNovaja Gazeta, editor: VIDEO
Artemi Troitski, member of the board of Greenpeace Russia and lecturer at Tallinn University: VIDEO
Moderator: Jüri Maloverjan, correspondent in the Moscow Office of the BBC Russian Service

17:45 – 18:00 Conclusions

Vootele Hansen, Chairman of the Board, Institute of Human Rights

18:00 – 21:00 Reception: Marko Mihkelson, Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Riigikogu and Minister of Justice Andres Anvelt

The organiser reserves the right to make changes in the schedule and the presenters.