Human Rights and the Freedom of Association
Annual Conference of the Estonian Institute of Human Rights, 8 and 10 December 2013
10 December 2013 marks the 65th anniversary of the passage of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. However, there are still human rights problems in most of the world’s countries. Human rights continue to deserve great attention.
This year’s annual conference, titled “Human Rights and the Freedom of Association” will analyse the global developments in human rights that have taken place in 2013. The topics under discussion include crimes against humanity, the role of NGOs in authoritarian and totalitarian states, and how to combine counter terrorism measures with the protection of human rights in the real world and in cyberspace.
In the introductory portion of the annual conference, the Report on the Freedom of Religion will be presented, which has been compiled by the Institute of Human Rights in cooperation with Turu-uuringute AS.
This will be followed by the first panel discussion, which will focus on the general developments in the international prevention of crimes against humanity.
The second panel will deal with the disturbing developmental trends related to open societies, including new laws that affect the work of NGOs in the Middle East and elsewhere.
The third panel will discuss how to give sense to human rights in the context of rapidly developing technology and modern surveillance systems, which have raised many questions about the vague boundaries between privacy and security.
A Youth Conference will be conducted on 8 December, which calls upon young people to discuss, “What unites and separates historical and present-day refugees fleeing war, political oppression and economic deprivation?” The conference is being organised in cooperation with the Human Rights Group of the Riigikogu and Unitas Foundation.
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The conference will conclude with a formal reception.
By invitation only.
The organiser reserves the right to make changes in the schedule and the presenters.
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